Saturday, January 16

Week In Review

Here's this weeks stats:

Drugstore/Super Store Totals:
Cumulative Merchandise purchased this week: $185.75
Spent: $27.43
Rebates: $36.97
Total out of pocket minus Rebates: MADE $9.54
Cumulative Percent Saved so far this month: 91%

Grocery Store:
Cumulative Merchandise purchased this week: $30.25
Total out of pocket: $9.76
Cumulative Percent Saved this month: 67%

Misc. Other Spending: (Dog Food and Stamps this week)

Cumulative Merchandise purchased this week: $13.00
Total out of pocket: $13.00
Cumulative Percent Saved so far this month: 42%

($2.99 was donuts that E had to have:) for $229.00 Worth of Merchandise this Week

1 comment:

  1. That is amazing. Thanks for sharing! Very motivating to say the least.
