Friday, July 2

Coupon Myths..."Buy You Can't Buy Organic/All Natural With Coupons"

So many times I'll be explaining coupons to someone and they'll end up telling me that they don't bother clipping coupons because, "We don't eat processed food", or "We only get organic". I think most people would be surprised to find that there are coupons for many different kinds of food (Organic, Meat, Dairy, Vegetables), not just "Cheap processed crap". A few weeks ago I was able to snag a Mambo Sprouts Coupon booklet at the customer service desk at my local shoprite.

Inside the book were coupons for:
$1.00 off 1 back to nature product
$1.00 off Blue Diamond Almond milk
$1.00 off nut thins
$0.50 off one mojo bar
$1.00 off Dagoba organic chocolate
$1.00 off 1 Kashi Organic promise cereal
$1.00 off 1 bear naked product
$1.00 off two kefir products
$1.00 off 2 organic valley products
$2.00 off two organic valley cheeses
$1.50 off any one rice select item
$1.00 off one Seventh Generation disinfectant cleaner
$0.75 off one R.W. Knudsen juice
$1.00 off one yo baby organic yogurt.

The photo is my most recent Shoprite trip. The all natural chicken sausages were $0.49 a package, the chicken was an organic whole roaster I got 50% off, just $7.99! The Honest Teas were free, the Gourmet D'Artanon Sausage was $3.00 (half off), the hamburger patties were $3.00 (half off). The turkey burgers were $0.49 a package (these aren't organic, but a great price). Cherries, $1.99 a pound. Olivia's Organic Salad $2.99. Ask you local meat manager when the meat gets clearanced. Our A&P always has 50% off meat Sunday afternoon. We stock up on good quality organic meats for a fraction of the retail cost.

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