Tuesday, August 24

Signed, Sealed, Delivered

It's been a while since I've received anything good enough to write home about. This week was definitely a good week. The above photo shows everything that's come in the mail over the past week or so.


•Baby Talk

•Free Dunkin Donuts cup o' joe for signing up for the Dunkin perks program
•Pampers mailer with 2, $3.00 off one package coupons, gonna save this for next week at Rite Aid
•P&G coupons, not super impressive values, but the $0.50 off bounty doubled at the grocery store might make for a free roll when there's a sale.

•Cheetos Zingers (came with a $1.00 off coupon)
•Better than Ears-missing from photo because the BB already ate it (came with $1.00 coupon)
•Gain liquid dish detergent-Wasn't sure if this one would come because I didn't think I was one of the first to sign up, but I must have made it in under the wire.
•3 full size Nature's Miracle products. Shampoo, Conditioner and deodorizing spray. This was a promotion run by the company where you try the product then right a review for their website. I'm thrilled to try this product because we use the Nature's Miracle cleaning product to clean up "pet spills" and always have an industrial size bottle on hand. We like the product so much I could be a spokesperson. We'll definitely be trying this product this weekend, and by "we" I mean I'll be trying it out on the BB. He on the other hand is not thrilled because the blow drying alone takes at least an hour and a half.

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