Monday, February 8

Weekend Rite Aid Trips

Here's several transactions worth of goods:

All together I spent $101.56 (yes that's a lot and that's AFTER coupons, so the value of the items pre-sale and coupon price was really high) but wait... here's what I'll get back

$20.00 on the Alli ($10 SCR times 2)
$23.97 on the gel tears ($7.99 times 3)
$6.00 on the colgate ($2.00 times 3)
$10.00 on the KY intense ($5.00 times 2)-One KY and a pack of gum is missing, want to know why? See my last post.

Total $59.97 back in Single Check Rebates plus I earned 2, $25 Rite Aid gift cards from the Healthy Heart promotion (alli $49.99 plus a soy joy bar at $1.00 to put me over the $50.00 I needed to spend to get the $25 card).

So if you subtract the two gift cards (I don't since they are store specific) it's like I spent $9.97 for everything above.

But wait... (I feel like an infomercial now), I plan to auction off the alli and the KY and anticipate I'll make around $30.00 each for the allis ($60.00 total) and $15.00 each for the KYs ($30.00) for a total moneymaker (fingers crossed) of approximately $30.00 and 2, $25 gift cards!


  1. How are you getting more than 1 rebate when limit is 1 Awesome deals. Thank you !

  2. Hi Anon, I also submit a rebate for my grandma (at her address) since she doesn't have a Rite Aid close by and doesn't make it out very much. It's a nice little way for her to make some spending cash since she's on a fixed income.
